Ten years behind bars; Free Ahmed Douma

The Egyptian Human Rights Forum, Euromed Rights and The Freedom Initiative invites you to a panel discussion and book reading entitled “ Ten years behind bars; Free Ahmed Douma”  on Saturday  3rd of December 2022 at 5.00 pm in Oyoun, Berlin, Germany.

Location: Lucy-Lameck-Str.32, 12049 Berlin

The panel will shed the light on Ahmed Douma’s case history, the mistreatment he’s facing in his arbitrary detention, testimony from a recently released journalist and political prisoner who spent two years with Douma, testimony from Douma’s ex-wife about the case and their effort to release him, a brief about political prisoners situation and Rotation phenomena in Egypt and we will end the event by readings  and distribution of  Douma’s book “ An anthem that preceded its writer to freedom”

 Keynote speakers:

Moderator: TBD

  •  Mina Thabet, MENA and North Africa Coordinator, Pen International,
  •  Nourhan Hefzy, Egyptian Journalist and political activist.
  •  Hossam Elhamalawy, Journalist and political activist
  •  Hossam Elsayed, Egyptian Journalist and political activist.

The event will be in Arabic and English, and translation will be provided.

To confirm your attendance please send an email to [email protected]

While Egyptian president Abdel-Fattah Elsisi launched a national dialogue and reinstated the presidential pardon committee, Douma’s case wasn’t discussed as potential for presidential pardon yet despite his mistreatment, deteriorating health conditions and extended jail time that is considered one of the oldest political prisoners in Egypt and despite his family’s frequent request to the committee to include him in the pardon lists.

Douma was subjected to torture, solitary confinement most of his detention period. He was denied access to legal aid, and health care. latest updates about his health conditions revealed that he’s suffering from severe back and shoulder joints injuries due to sleeping on a mattress on the floor for extended period. Earlier this year in July, Douma’s family reported that he was beaten in his imprisonment and so far, there has been no investigation regarding this incident.

Douma, a prominent activist and one of the founders of the Kefaya and April 6 movements, was arrested in 2013 in relation to demonstrations against the criminalization of public protests. He was sentenced to three years in prison. During his time in detention, he was charged in a second investigation into 2011 protests held at the Cabinet headquarters, for which he ultimately received a 15-year sentence and a fine of LE17 million.

For more information about Douma’s solidarity actions: https://bit.ly/3gO7jfz

